The Practice of Godliness by Jerry Bridges
From Good reads: It's easy to get caught up in doing things for God, rather than being with God. Learn how to be godly in the midst of life by being committed to God rather than activities.
My Take: I think that with most Christians nowadays (myself included until recently) we think that as long as we are attending every church service going to all the programs that the church has to offer that we are doing what we should be doing. I have noticed that alot of Christians are doing that but they feel like something is missing. This book address that issue very well.
Mr. Bridges says in this book that the crucial characteristic of our growth in godly devotion is to have a balanced approach to all three essential elements of devotion: fear, love and desire.
He talks quite a bit about having a fear of God. I think that this has been lost in todays Christian world. We have been brought up with the images of God as fatherly and that He is someone that we can come to with anything which is true but we also need to have a fear of Him.
Mr Bridges uses the fruit of the Spirit in Galatians 5 as characteristics that we need to strive for so we can practice Godliness.
The set that I received from Navpress for review contained the book, a study guide and blank cards to write verses on . The study guide helps the reader to hone in on what Mr. Bridges has said in the chapters and to apply the material to their personal lives.
I feel that this book has helped me to grow.
I received a copy of the book and the study guide for review from Navpress and am not reguired to offer a postitive reveiw.
I would agree wholeheartedly that the majority of us believers have lost the godly fear that we should have of the Lord. This sounds good for everyone to read!! thanks so much!