Monday, May 24, 2010

New Giveaway!!

Check out my New Give Away page for this book

thanks to Anna  from Hatchett for making it possible for the giveaway.

Five Fun Facts From the Author

1. The title Tempted by a Warrior, as with that of its predecessor, Seduced by a Rogue, can be read two ways, because the warrior can be either the lady Fiona or the hero, Sir Richard Seyton, Baron Kirkhill. The reader can decide which one it is.

2. I wrote most of this book last summer and fall while sitting on the porch of a rustic lakeside cabin in the High Sierras (meaning no internet, no road, no phone or electricity, but loads of peace and relative quiet), aided by nosy (and noisy) Stellar jays, assorted chipmunks and squirrels, and the odd glass of wine offered by childhood friends and neighbors who thought I ought to relax and enjoy real life more.

3. My hard drive crashed while I was at the lake, and my tech-brilliant nephew, whose cabin is across the lake, suggested putting my laptop in the freezer for a few hours and then trying to access the hard drive to save the book (and other sundry files) onto a flash drive that he would provide. See wine reference in #2 above. Fortunately, freezing the computer worked and a nearby (relatively) computer fixit place froze it again and managed thereby to clone my entire hard drive onto a much larger replacement hard drive. Amazing!

4. The information for the head injuries in this book comes from both research and personal experience.

5. Willie Magee, the uh…assistant who has insisted on helping me write for the past year, instead of climbing up my leg to get to the keyboard as he did when he was small, now leaps from the floor to my shoulder, drapes himself over said shoulder, and purrs loudly while watching my every keystroke. If I stop typing, he promptly reaches out a paw to the keyboard, clearly offering to continue in my stead. He also likes to play with the keyboard whenever I take a break, which has resulted in some interesting narrative, to say the least.

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