Thursday, June 3, 2010

What did you Expect?

I received the audio version of this book from for review purposes.  If you would like to get an audio copy you can find one here.

I don't know what I was expecting from this audio book.  I have been married 25 years and we have had our ups and downs.  I guess I was expecting a little bit of encouragement.  Whatever I was looking for wasn't what I got.  Not to say this book was bad.  On the contrary it wasn't bad at all.  while I was listening to it I kept thinking to myself that this would be a good book for pre marital counseling.  

Pual Tripp does bring out one point well in the book and that we are all sinners and should come to our marriages and partners with that fact in mind.  (I know that that fact alone helps me when I get irrated with my spouse, the Realization that I too an a sinner). 

This was a good book if you are planning on getting married, are just married or are going through a rough patch.      

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