It's Monday What Are You Reading? is hosted by Sheila over at Book Journey. Head over there and see what others have been reading and plan to read. You may just find your next favorite book.
I caught up on my reviews over the week. I have alot of audio books to write reviews for next week which is Audio Book Week.

Head over to Devourerofbooks.com to check out what is in store for next week and join in on the fun.
There is still plenty of time to download the free audios for this week from Sync. And while your there sign up for reminders so you won't forget to get any of the free audio goodness coming up for the rest of the summer.
Here is what I posted on the blog last week.
First Chapter Peak of

Diamond in the Rough by Jennifer AILee and Lisa Karon Richardson
Book Review of

A Heartbeat Away by S. Dionne Moore
Book Review of

The Promise Box by Tricia Goyer
Book Review of

Ray of Light by Shelley Shepard Gray
Book Review of

Stealing the Preacher by Karen Witemeyer
Book Review of

Afloat by Erin Healy
Book Review of

A Season of Mysteries by Rusty Whitener
My Current Reads are listed in the sidebar
On the Blog this Week

Coming up
For Audiobook Week

and Reviews of these print books

What's on Your Reading Horizon?
You have some great reading in store for you. I need to catch up on the WMC by James Patterson. I love that series. Have a good week!