An elderly black hobo “Jonah” shows up begging at the door of two ladies humble shotgun shack. Though they are poor, they feed him. So he returns the kindness doing a couple of odd jobs to repay them. They take a somewhat mystical trusting, and immediate liking to Jonah and offer him a job.
Throughout their time together many amazingly good outcomes happen for the ladies and their families as they are touched by turmoil after turmoil. The story unfolds a murder and cover up involving a prominent Judge who turns out to be responsible for the hit and run death of one of the ladies husbands.
There is tragedy and death involved, but in the end, the human spirit is triumphant when they realize, only after Jonah has left their midst, that he had been an angel sent to help them through some otherwise horrible times.

About this author
My take: I received a review copy of this book in exchange for my honest review.
I really enjoyed the story of the unassuming Jonah and the ladies he comes to help out. I guess I am naive but it always amazes me that the people who are suppose to uphold the law at times turn out to be the worst offenders of all. I think if you aren't a stickler for your historical fiction being totally accurate (the author changed the dates of the war to fit the story) then you should enjoy this story of a humble black man helping his fellow man get through hard times.
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