Monday, August 12, 2013

It's Monday What Are You Reading?

It's Monday What are You Reading? is hosted by Sheila over at Book Journey   It is a great way to share what you have been reading, are currently reading and  hope to read in the future.

Last Week On the Blog

Book Spotlight of

Beneath the Dover Sky by Murray Pura

Book Review of
The Letters
The Letters by Suzanne Woods Fisher

Audio Book Review of
Happy, Happy, Happy
Happy, Happy, Happy, by Phil Robertson
Read by Alan Robertson

Under Cozy Covers Review of 
Buttercream Bump Off (Cupcake Bakery Mystery, #2)
Buttercream Bump Off by Jenn McKinlay

First Chapter Peak of

In Golden Splendor by Michael K. Reynolds

My current Reads are in the Sidebar

On the Blog This Week

Under Cozy Covers Book Spotlight
Woof at the Door
Woof At The Door by Laura Morrigan

 Book Review of
Death Be Not Proud
Death Be Not Proud by C. F. Dunn

First Chapter Peak of 
Whispers from the Shadows (The Culper Ring #2)
Whispers from the Shadows by Roseanna White

Audio Book Review of 
The Invisible Girls: A Memoir
The Invisible Girls by Sarah Thebarge
Read by Kirsten Potter

Audio Book Review of 
Discovering the City of Sodom
Discovering the City of Sodom by  Dr. Steven Collins and Dr. Latayne C.  Scott
Read by Sean Runnette

Book Review of
Whispers On The Dock (Postcards from Misty Harbor Inn #3)
Whispers on the Dock by Evangeline Kelley

Book Review of  
Winter in Full Bloom
Winter in full Bloom by Anita Higman

Coming Up
On Distant Shores (Wings of the Nightingale, #2)

Awakened Love

Into the Whirlwind

What's on Your Reading Horizon?

1 comment:

  1. You have such a good stack of books there! I like the looks of your cozies and Amish reads, also The Invisible Girls looks intriguing. Enjoy your week!


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