Saturday, April 13, 2013

The Gospel Centered Woman by Wendy Alsup

About The Gospel-Center Woman
Understanding Biblical Womanhood through the Lens of the Gospel
Many Christian books written to women claim to present God's good instructions for their lives. Some expound on the value of marriage and children. Many extol the virtues of the Proverbs 31 wife. A good number teach the value of love, submission, and respect in Christian marriages. Though this book deals with these topics, The Gospel-Centered Woman addresses women from an entirely different perspective. The most important part of the Bible's instructions to women center around the gospel. Jesus' life, death, and resurrection brought about a seismic shift in our understanding of Scripture. After His resurrection, His disciples understood words written thousands of years before with a clarity they never had previously. The good news of Christ illuminates all other Scripture, including instructions to women. 
Link to buy the book:           

Meet Wendy:  
Wendy Alsup is a wife, mom, and math teacher. She is the author of "Practical Theology for Women: How Knowing God Makes a Difference in Our Daily Lives" and "By His Wounds You are Healed: How the Message of Ephesians Transforms a Woman's Identity". 
Find out more about Wendy at 
My Take:  I was a bit sceptical of this book when I first started reading it.  I have read so many books that take the Bible and the Gospel and tell women that it is more for the men and that women need to come through it through men.  This book was different in that it shows how the Gospel is for both men and women and that women have a place.  
We were all created in God's Image and we were all redeemed through Jesus.  We as women must claim these truths and start living a life centered on the Gospel not on what we have been told.  Excellent book.
I received a review copy of this book in exchange for my honest opinion by Litfuse. 

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