![Thai Die | [Monica Ferris] Thai Die | [Monica Ferris]](http://ecx.images-amazon.com/images/I/51Stu803NsL._SL175_.jpg)
Thai Die
- by
- Narrated by
The next night, Doris'
My Take: I read the first of this series in paperback since at the time I was an avid Cross-stitcher and I liked the idea of a setting in a needlework shop. I picked up two of these books during a sale that Audible was having. I still like the premise and I plan on going back to the beginning as I don't remember much of the first book and I need to reaquaint myself with the characters. This was a bit difficult to keep all the characters straight so much so that I didn't remember who the killer was when they were reveiled. The mystery did keep you guessing to the very end and the killer was not someone I would have even thought of as the killer.
- The narration was a bit distracting in parts as the narrator read with a very clipped tone of voice at times. Also several times there were long gaps in the narration even longer than the pauses in between chapters. The gaps were so long that I actually checked to make sure that my player hadn't turned off by accident or something.
As I said before I plan on starting from the beginning with this series and would encourage you to pick this up if you like cozy mysteries or have an interest in needlework or both

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I wonder if the gaps are an Audible issue. So far I haven't succumbed to Audible's "Get a free audiobook today" email lures, but I doubt I'll be able to hold out forever!