Toys by James Patterson and McMahon
James Bond and Jason Bourne have just been topped! A battle for the world is set into unstoppable motion and Hays Baker is the only one who can save it. Hays Baker and his wife Lizbeth possess super-human strength, extraordinary intelligence, stunning looks, a sex life to die for, and two beautiful children. Of course they do--they're Elites, endowed at birth with the very best that the world can offer. The only problem in their perfect world: humans and their toys!
The one with the most toys--dies
The top operative for the Agency of Change, Hays has just won the fiercest battle of his career. He has been praised by the President, and is a national hero. But before he can savor his triumph, he receives an unbelievable shock that overturns everything he thought was true. Suddenly Hays is on the other side of the gun, forced to leave his perfect family and fight for his life.
Now a hunted fugitive, Hays is thrown into a life he never dreamed possible--fighting to save humans everywhere from extinction. He enlists all of his training to uncover the truth that will save millions of lives--maybe even his own. James Patterson's Toys is a thriller on a hyper plane--with a hero who rivals both James Bond and Jason Bourne.
My Take: In the not to distant future Earth has been divided into two different groups. Human Beings and Elites. This had all the potential to be a really good book. I really like James Patterson. But... this book was a little disconnected. The chapters were short like normal with a James Patterson book. I think that in order to move the story along the two authors rushed through details or left them out totally. The book suffers from this.
Elites had been told that humans had almost caused the end of the Earth, because of this humans were treated like the subspecies that the elites thought they were. Humans lived in squalor and the Elites lived the high life. They had all the toys that the future could make available. Virtual reality, and robots to serve ever little need. The humans had toys too, the kind that became addictive. Then something happens to the number one operative for the Elites that changes the future for everyone.
I would recommend this book but know that there are some flaws and as far as I am concerned it is not up to the standards of a regular Patterson book.
That is too bad that it wasn't up to the standards of a regular Patterson book. I don't know if I would like this one.