The first one was a no Brainer for me since I listen to ALOT of audio books

Welcome to the 2011 Audio Book Challenge. The 2010 edition was hosted by Alaine of Queen of Happy Endings. When Alaine was looking for someone to take over for her, I happily volunteered. The 2011 Audio Book Challenge will run from January 1, 2011 through December 31, 2011.
Curious: 3 Audio Books
Fascinated: 6 Audio Books
Addicted: 12 Audio Books
Obsessed: 20 Audio Books
I will going for the Obsessed level which is listening to 20 books (shouldn't be hard since I usually average about one a week)
Guidelines for the 1st in a Series Challenge 2011
1. Anyone can join. You don't need a blog to participate. If you're not a blogger, leave your information in the comments.
2. There are four levels for this challenge:
Series Novice: Read 3 books that are the first in any series.
Series Lover: Read 6 books that are the first in any series.
Series Expert: Read 12 books that are the first in any series.
Series Fanatic: Read 20 books that are the first in any series.
You can list your books in advance or just put them in a wrap up post. If you list them, feel free to change them as the mood takes you. Any genre counts.
3. The challenge runs from January 1 through December 31, 2011.
4. You can join anytime between now and December 31, 2011.
5. If you're a blogger, write up a sign-up post that includes the URL to this post so that others can join in. Feel free to use the button above. When you sign up in the Linky, put the direct link to your 1st in a Series Challenge sign-up post.
I think I will just do the Novice level for this one as I have several series I read already. I will list them later. I maybe adding to thsi one but will see where the year takes me.
Guidelines for the 2nds Challenge 2011
1. Anyone can join. You don't need a blog to participate. If you're not a blogger, leave your information in the comments.
2. There are four levels to choose from in this challenge:
Just a spoonful - Read 3 books that are 2nd in a series or the second time you've read the author.
A few more bites - Read 6 books that are 2nd in a series or the second time you've read the author.
A full plate - Read 12 books that are 2nd in a series or the second time you've read the author.
All you can eat - Read 20 books (or more) that are 2nd in a series or the second time you've read the author.
You can list your books in advance or just put them in a wrap up post. If you list them, feel free to change them as the mood takes you. Any genre counts.
3. You can join anytime between now and December 31, 2011. Don't start reading until January.
4. If you're a blogger, write up a sign-up post that includes the URL to this post so that others can join in. Feel free to use the button above. When you sign up in the Linky, put the direct link to your 2nds Challenge sign-up post.
I will probably do the first level for this one also.

Off the shelf Reading Challenge
Off The Shelf Challenge
Are your books multiplying like rabbits before you even get a chance to read them? Trying to keep up with them, but can't stop buying new ones?
Maybe this challenge is for you. I know what it's like. There's so many titles and so many beautiful books out there sometimes it's hard to keep that TBR shelf under control, but if you really want to try why not challenge yourself?
The challenge begins on the 1st of January and ends on the 31st of December 2011
Note: This challenge is to read those books you own copies of, but have never got around to reading. If you don't have many that you own, but have a massive TBR shelf you're welcome to read those ones as long as you don't add new ones. You don't need to actually get rid of your books after you've read them, this is just to read them.
How To Participate
Decide which challenge level you'll be doing (further below) - do not include books that you buy from the start of this challenge.
Grab the code for the badge down below and post it on a side bar or in a signature (if you want to participate, but aren't blogging, on a social network or forum - Submission For Non Bloggers).
Create your own post to let all your readers know you’re taking part in the challenge and at what level (if you're really proficient you can list your books!). Make sure to link back to this page with either one of the buttons or a text link..
Use the link form below to enter into the challenge by sharing your challenge post url and your name (either your name, blog name, or both).Please don't use the comment form to participate, only to comment on the challenge or something else..
Submit your reviews (if you choose to review them, but that is optional) on the review page.
When you’ve completed you’re challenge let us know on the completion post. If you're using a tag or category I recommend sharing the link back to that so everyone can find them
Challenge Levels
Tempted– Choose 5 books to read
Trying – Choose 15 books to read
Making A Dint – Choose 30 books to read
On A Roll – Choose 50 books to read
Flying Off – Choose 75 books to read
For extra hard challenges
Hoarder – Choose 76-125 books to read
Buried – Choose 126-200 books to read
Boy do I need this one. I will be shooting for the Second level in this one.
Series Challenge Season 5 hosted by Secret Dream world of a Bookaholic
Due to my current busy schedule, I'm afraid the Series Challenge Season 5 will not start until January 1, 2011. I hope you don't mind! If you want to sign up for the challenge, just comment below with your name and a link to your blog. If you don't have a blog, please note that.
The rules:
1) The challenge starts January 1, 2011 and ends December 31, 2011.
2) You must read 3 or more books for this challenge.
3) With these books, you should finish the series or at least be up to date with it.
4) Crossovers with other challenges are perfectly alright, as are re-reads.
5) Post a review on your blog and leave a link at the post I will set up on January 1, so I can keep track and others might find new series to enjoy.
6) Have fun!
That's it :)
I will be catching up with several of my current series that I read.