About the book: A Reluctant Queen An inspiring re-imagining of the tale of Esther, a young Jewish woman thrust from a life of obscurity into a life of power, wealth, intrigue . . . and tender love. See the story of Esther in an entirely new way-with all the political intrigue and tension you remember, but told as a passionate and tender love story between a young man and woman. Misunderstood by many, King Xerxes was a powerful but lonely man. Esther's beauty caught the eye of the young king, but it was her spirit that captured his heart. Imagine anew the story of Esther, one of our faith's great heroines, destined to play a key role in the history of Christianity. More here
About Joan: Joan Wolf was born in New York City but has lived most of her adult life with her husband in Connecticut, where she raised two children and countless numbers of assorted animals. Joan is the author of numerous historical novels including The Road to Avalon which Publishers Weekly lauded as “historical fiction at its finest.” For more about Joan and her other books, please visit http://www.joanwolf.com/.
My Take: The Story of Esther is one of my favorite. This book brings the characters to life in a whole new way. The author is very careful to let you know that this is a ficitonalized account of a real story.
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I reviewed this book too and also enjoyed it. Have a super week! :O)