Author Judy Christie loves to help busy people slow down and enjoy each day more – in her series of novels about Green, Louisiana, and her Hurry Less Worry Less nonfiction books. Judy started her writing career as the editor of The Barret Banner in elementary school and has kept a journal since she was nine (and still has all of them). She likes wandering around flea markets, walking in the park near her North Louisiana home and visiting friends and family on her vintage green Kitchen Couch. Her most recent books are “Downtown Green,” fifth in the Green series, and “Hurry Less Worry Less for Moms.”ABOUT HURRY LESS WORRY LESS FOR MOMS
For Judy’s free tips on how busy moms can hurry less and worry less, listen to her weekly podcast: http://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/hurry-less-worry-less/id435253514.
You can visit her website at www.judychristie.com.
Busy moms know the feeling. They’re constantly trying to fit everything – work, laundry, family fun,My Take:shuttle service , you name it – into 24-hours. They want to enjoy each day with their family but sometimes feel like they’re in quicksand and don’t know how to get started on a new path.
Author Judy Christie offers hope, inspiration, practical ideas and reminders of how important it is to step back and take a fresh look at your life in Hurry Less, Worry Less for Moms. The book includes a study guide for group or individual use.
Take a deep breath and refresh your life or that of a busy mom you know with chapters such as: A Map for Mom: Being the person you are meant to be; Organization versus Procrastination; Prayerful Not Fretful; and Making Choices, Facing Changes.
Although I am near the end of my time as a mother with children that I am responsible for (I have two adult children and one 17 year old) I was still able to gather a lot of wisdom out of this short book. Each chapter gives you tips from other busy moms on various subjects. The chapters are packed with helpful scriptures to keep you on the right track. The chapters end with a prayer that relates to the subject of that chapter. This would be a wonderful book for mothers who just need a little encouragement that what you are doing is right and encourage them that the world won't fall apart if you just slow down a bit. Take it from an old pro it is ok to say no and not be involved with everything that comes along. Your children may just thank you.
I recieved a copy of this book for review purposes.